Contact for corporate customers

Looking for a recruitment agency with a clear focus?


You have vacancies that are really hard to fill?

You need to expand your team ASAP and lack the necessary in-house recruitment ressources?

Our focus are positions ranging from young professionals up to experienced experts with minor team leading roles, translated in salary ranges of €50k to €130k. For key positions we might use executive search tactics, but with a success-based fee . We are not applying the common retainer model.


Maybe we should talk!

Get in touch.


    You are also welcome to send us job profiles, be it as text or as an attachment.

    You can use this form to send us documents such as job profiles, company presentations, etc.

    Supported formats: .pdf, .docx, .doc, .xls,, .odt, .ods, .txt, .jpeg.

    Maximum size: per file 5 MB